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Historical Association Young Voices Project

Do You Think our History Curriculum at Carre's is Inclusive (Learn About Minority Groups)


Historical Association Young Voices Project

On Monday 20 March we had the opportunity to present our findings about what students at Carre’s think about studying History.

416 students completed our survey (we had the largest sample size from all the schools who presented) and we were able to share Carre’s student views about the history curriculum, the relevance of history to students and what other areas of history students would like the opportunity to study.

Here were some of our findings.

At KS3 many students thought that the history curriculum is inclusive, but we still need to keep developing this.  

Students at KS3, 4 and 5 all thought that History was an important subject to study – reasons for this included:

  • It is so we are more knowledgeable about why things in the world are what they are
  • It is what makes our country what it is today. And remembering anything we did wrong, so we do not repeat it e.g. the slave trade
  • As it can explain the past And it is also really interesting 😁👍
  • "You can’t have a future without a past"

Students were also keen to learn more about: The Egyptians, Romans, Mayans, Chinese history, Scottish history and more depth on the Second World War and the Cold War.

Our research and presentation will feed into a national presentation that will be shared with teachers at the Historical Association Conference in May and will then be used by the Historical Association to give feedback to the Department for Education. 

Thank you to all the students who took part in our survey – it was your voices we were sharing in this national project.

Nick Jackson and Harry Key