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The Governors

Carre’s Grammar School has been part of the Robert Carre Trust since September 2015. Each school in the Trust has a Local Governance Tier, comprising 5 Community Governors, 2 Parent Governors and 2 Staff Governors. Governors’ Terms of Office are usually 4 years. The LGTs are responsible for school-specific policies, such as Admissions, and report to the Trust Board with assurances on aspects of school management, such as Safeguarding, Curriculum, SEND, Wellbeing and Health & Safety. Click here for more details about the Trust’s Governance Structure.

Please address any queries to the Governance Professional - Debbie Scott

Members of the Local Governance Tier

Community Governors – Appointed by the Trustees
Mrs H Mountain (Vice Chair) September 2023 to August 2027
Mrs H Renard September 2023 to September 2027
Ms E Oglesby  January 2024 to December 2027
Mrs S Edwards (Chair) March 2024 to March 2028
Mrs Val Rhodes July 2024 to July 2028
Parent Governors - Elected by Parents
Mr M Daubney September 2023 to September 2027
Mr B Davies May 2024 to May 2028
Staff Governors – Elected by Staff
Dr J Robinson September 2015 - August 2026
Governance Professional
Mrs D Scott, Governance Professional
Carre's Grammar School, Northgate, Sleaford, NG34 7DD


Governor Biographies

Mrs H Mountain
Community Governor

Helen is a director of her own transport and health & safety consultancy business, Molstan Ltd.  Helen was originally elected as a parent governor in 2022, becoming a community governor in 2023.  Helen’s two children attended Carre’s Grammar School from 2017 to 2024.  Helen graduated from Newcastle University in 1998 with a BSc (Hons) in Agri-Business Management and Economics.  She moved to Lincolnshire in 2003 where she has worked as a transport manager and compliance consultant, running her own business.  In 2022 Helen passed her NEBOSH National Diploma for Occupational Health and Safety to become a fully qualified H&S consultant, specialising in advising farms and estates on H&S.  Outside of work, Helen is a keen horse rider and gym goer.

Mrs H Renard
Community Governor

Helen is a qualified teacher who works part-time and she has previously been a successful leader within education.  She is passionate about education and making a difference for young people.  Her time as a Headteacher gives her a full understanding of leadership within education and the challenges this brings. Helen fully appreciates the role of the Local Governance Tier in supporting leaders and the school to achieve the best for students and staff.  She was previously a governor at her son’s primary school before the end of her term of office and joining CGS as a Community Governor.

Ms Emma Oglesby 
Community Governor

Emma is Head of Products and Journeys at Lombard, the asset finance arm of Natwest. With a technology background, Emma is passionate about improving experiences and ensuring products and services are accessible to all. Having attended Carre’s during her sixth form years, Emma proceeded to study Mathematics at University of Nottingham. Emma has two little boys at home and enjoys yoga and baking.

Mrs S Edwards
Community Governor

Sarah is mother to 4 children; her youngest two sons and daughter currently attend Carre’s Grammar School.

In fulfilling the role of Governor, Sarah is able to draw on a varied amount of expertise and experience from her business and voluntary work. Her career, prior to having a family, was that of HR manager in various large national and international businesses and, prior to that, she qualified as a Primary School teacher.

Sarah’s voluntary roles have included being Chair of the local Pre-School for 5 years, helping at the local primary school and spending time at a leisure group for adults with learning disabilities.  She currently volunteers for a community cafe which provides a welcoming place for people of all nationalities and backgrounds.

Mrs Val Rhodes
Community Governor

Val has lived in Sleaford for 25 years and is passionate about Sleaford as a community, hence wanting to give something back by applying to be a Governor. 

She has worked for the Nationwide Building Society for 24 years in various roles. Val’s experience of meeting and supporting local charities through work has given her an insight into what our town needs. 

She is also vice chair for Millview Medical Centre Heckington PPG group. 

Val’s son is now a teacher in Sleaford and did his teacher training at Carre’s which has helped her realise how important it is to inspire and support the future for the youth of Sleaford. 

Mr M Daubney
Parent Governor

As an old Carrensian (1989-1996), Mike regularly attends many of the excellent yearly functions that are laid-on in and around Sleaford. Having very fond memories of his time at the school, he and Zoe are delighted that their son is now attending in year 7. Mike is pleased to give his time to help promote the school within the wider community and carry out all the other associated duties.

He, Zoe and Henry have lived in Bassingham for the last 10 years.

Mike has worked for 20 years in architectural design and management, becoming a Chartered Architect with the RIBA in 2006 and sole director of his own limited company in 2008, and finding great pride in helping the next generation learn through running his own practice and other mentoring activities. He has led teams delivering major capital programmes, including large scale residential, masterplanning, offsite design, sports facilities, transport, retail, office and hotels across the world.

Mr B Davies
Parent Governor

Bob joined the Royal Air Force in 1987 and Commissioned into the RAF Regiment in 1990. He saw operational Service in Northern Ireland, Afghanistan and the Middle East. More recently he was involved in the training of the Royal Air Force’s ab initio recruits, both Commissioned and non-Commissioned, and was the Senior Regiment Instructor at the Royal Air Force College Cranwell. His last Regular tour was as the leader for the Royal Air Force’s Counter-Unmanned Air Systems team; delivering the National Standby capability and deploying on numerous occasions under the terms of Military Assistance to the Civil Authority. Retiring from Regular Service in 2021, he now Commands No 2503 Royal Auxiliary Air Force Squadron.

Dr J Robinson
Staff Governor

John has been a staff governor for many years, originally serving as a Carre’s Grammar School Governor in the mid-2000s.

Mrs D Scott
Governance Professional

Governor Resignations

Mr C Baker March 2023 - August 2024
Mr S Enstone September 2022 to May 2024
Mrs S Edwards Converted to Community Governor - September 2022 to March 2024
Mrs L Briggs April 2020 - February 2024
Mr C J Boyce September 2015 - January 2024
Mrs H Mountain Converted to Community Governor - September 2022 to August 2023
Mr R Peace Resigned - June 2019 - June 2023
Mrs J Slesser Resigned - December 2017 - May 2023
Mrs K Carpenter Resigned - September 2021 - February 2023
Mr R Wright
Resigned - March 2020 - 28 May 2021
Mr L Whiting Resigned - July 2019 - August 2021
Mr T Marsden Resigned - June 2019 - November 2021

Local Governor Vacancies

If you would be interested in being considered for any Governor positions, please contact the Governance Professional.

Financial Arrangements

As part of the Robert Carre Trust, the school’s financial arrangements are the responsibility of the Trust. Full details of the Trust’s accounting arrangements, annual reports, etc., can be found on the Trust Website